Bundle Beds was born out of the desire to make getting out on adventures with family and friends easier - and a lot more comfortable! So it's wonderful to hear where your Bundle Beds have taken you. Katya let us know about her family's camping trip to Bodiam, East Sussex...
"My festival and camping days had been put on hold and replaced by nappy changes... until this summer when I decided that my 3-year-old and 19-month-old boys should experience their first camping trip! We needed a comfy, warm, portable bed for the kids, and weren't keen to suffer nights with our jack-in-the-boxes scrunching and squeaking on an airbed. I already knew the solution...
I had my eye on a Bundle Bed before, I think, the company was even up and running! I had heard of the concept when I was at university in Australia but all the 'swag bags' I saw were big and bulky, and you'd probably need to join a Military fitness class to haul one around any great distance. I bumped into Lucy who told me of the company she was setting up and I was sold!
So four Bundle Beds (we adults weren't going to be left out of a cosy new travel bed) turned up at the house and were immediately rolled out on the sitting room floor. The self-inflating mattress took care of itself, and all four of us were soon cuddled up and cushioned in fab soft squidgy duvets and pillows. The boys loved them!
Our camping trip to The Original Hut Company in Bodiam, East Sussex, suddenly had more of a glamping feel to it ... which I was very happy about!
The weekend didn't start well with torrential rain as we unloaded the car and attempted to get the tent ready (we were thankful for the protective Bundle Bed outer layer that kept our bedding dry!). Temperatures had dropped and suddenly our Indian summer had turned thoroughly autumnal.
I was concerned the boys would be freezing at night but the minute we all snuggled down into our bundles it was heaven. We slept amazingly well and the kids loved being zipped up so they wouldn't roll out and having a different coloured bed to their father and I, so they could tell which was theirs. Most importantly they loved lining them all up and jumping across them - perfect entertainment whilst we were unpacking!
The Original Hut Company was a beautiful place to stay with piping hot showers, lovely pitching sites and all the mod cons to make camping as a family a fun, rather than torturous, experience. 'The Hub' is a fab cafe and brilliant play area for children and the walks and activities on the door step make it so easy and well worth a visit.
But I'm convinced if we hadn't bundled for the weekend we would have had a very different experience!"
Footnote: by pure coincidence one of us at Bundle HQ also stayed at The Original Hut Company this summer. There is an operating steam train station over the field and in walking distance from The Hub - absolute heaven for any train-loving little ones! We spent a LOT of time there with ice creams (and coffee)...!