Original vs Boost Mattress - Which one to choose...

Original vs Boost Mattress - Which one to choose...

Are you in the market for a Bundle Bed, but unsure which mattress to choose? Don't worry, we've got you covered...

The truth is that our Classic beds have been designed for anyone to sleep in... adults or kids, indoors or outside, so you'll get a great night's sleep wherever and whoever you are. Or if you're looking for an even more portable solution for younger ones then take a look at our Toddler & Junior kids travel beds for a dreamy nights sleep.

However, when choosing whether or not to "Boost your Bundle", remember that size matters! You’ll want to find the mattress that works best for your size, height & weight, so we've made a little table to give you some examples of our existing Bundlers, and how they feel about each mattress:

 And within the Bundle Beds team... Our "Chief Bundler" Lucy is 168cm (5ft 5ins) and weighs 64kg. She's used our Classic 5cm thick mattress for the last three years and sleeps brilliantly on it, whether camping or staying with friends. She's recently tried out the Boosted 8cm mattress, and has decided to upgrade to that one purely for a bit of extra comfort and luxury as they tend to camp for 4-5 nights (read more about their full camping kit here).

Our "Number 2 Bundler" Rob is 180cm (nearly 6ft) and weighs 87kg. He's slept on our 5cm mattress and has been ok on it, but the Boosted 8cm mattress allows a far better night's sleep for him. 

Both Rob & Lucy's kids, who are aged between 2 - 6 years, LOVE their Toddler Bundle Beds and are happy as Larry on them.

Their niece and nephew, aged 8 & 14 years, take their Classic 5cm Bundle Beds to stay at friends houses or for extra beds on holidays, and sleep really well on them. 

So in short, if you weigh over 75kg, or just fancy a bit of extra comfort, then choose our Boosted 8cm mattress. For anyone else, our Classic 5cm mattress will ensure a great night's sleep, anywhere.

Click here to view our range... Happy Bundling!

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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